Service Delivery Modernization

female leading a meeting

Uniting Services, Practices, and People to Deliver Scalable Solutions and Delight Our Community

Catalog all IT services across campus and identify scalable ones with the IT Leadership Council (ITLC). Highlight services with the greatest impact and create plans for enterprise deployment. Form cross-unit teams to develop scalable service models and establish enterprise guidelines. Conduct financial analysis to prioritize feasible models. Onboard services and staff into Enterprise Technology (ET), provide a comprehensive list of Common Good Services, and have the ITLC review and update the catalog annually.

Re-imagining Our Services

Assess Service Delivery

Look across campus to catalog all services offered by all IT

  • Determine what services are being offered across campus
  • Utilize the existing IT Leadership Council (ITLC) to identify services that can scale to meet the needs of campus

Identify Common Good

Create a modern list of services that impact the community

  • Of services reviewed identify those with the greatest impact on campus
  • Create a menu of services that should be considered for enterprise deployment

Create Service Team

Form cross-unit teams to create scale models for common goods

  • Utilizing internal and campus IT talent to form teams to envision a scaled future state of services
  • Establish guidelines that define an enterprise service
  • Provide analysis to finalize opportunities to move service and support to Enterprise Technology

Financial Analysis

Create business cases to move services into Enterprise Technology

  • Determine cost of service models to campus
  • Work with the Office of the CFO to determine feasibility
  • Determine if scale models provide value at scale
  • Prioritize feasible service models for implementation

Implement CG Services

Onboard services and associated staff into landing zones

  • Over time, move services and staff to Enterprise Technology as appropriate
  • Provide campus with a full listing of Enterprise Technology Common Good Services
  • Enlist ITLC to continuously review and revise the Common Good (CG) catalog each academic year